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Call to Worship (Acts 2, John 15–16)
Call to Worship (Acts 2, John 15–16)
With tongues of flame, the Holy Spirit descends
to burn in our hearts anew.
Unite us, Holy Spirit!
Like the rush of wind, we sense God’s presence
blowing afresh throughout the world.
Unite us, Holy Spirit!
Across the barriers of language and culture,
Christ’s message of love and grace is heard.
Unite us, Holy Spirit!
Divine Advocate, we seek your guidance
as we search for the Spirit of Truth.
Unite us, Holy Spirit! Amen.
Opening Prayer (Acts 2, Romans 8)
Opening Prayer (Acts 2, Romans 8)
Holy One,
ignite within us a fiery passion
for your mission in the world today.
Warm us by the Spirit’s dancing tongues of flame,
that we may feel your kindling blaze within,
urging us to do your greater good.
Make us wholly present to experience a new birth,
and awaken possibilities within us
to share your love in the world.
In this love and abundance,
we come to celebrate your harvest—
a harvest bearing the first fruits of the Spirit
within us.
Show us how to use these gifts,
as we listen for your truth
in the gentle breeze of your Spirit.
Invitation to the Offering (Acts 2)
Gracious God,
as we stand in your holy place
we feel your bright Spirit surge within us.
We are on fire with the knowledge
that we may be your witness to the world.
Help us speak in language
that others will understand.
Ignite within us
a need to share the abundance of our lives.
We lay before you
our gifts of faith, hope, and love.
We pledge to give more of our time,
more of our hearts,
and more of our material possessions,
that we may serve your greater good. Amen.
Almighty God, your Holy Spirit came to Jesus’ disciples, hidden in an upper room in Jerusalem. A violent wind and tongues of fire were the symbols of a new thing happening in their lives. May your Holy Spirit burst into our lives today, encouraging and inspiring us to proclaim boldly the good news of Jesus Christ who offers healing and hope to all people. AMEN.
1 Peter 4:8-11 NIV
8 Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 9 Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. 10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Each of us has been tasked with managing the talents God has given to us. Another term people often use for these is “spiritual gifts.” God never gives you a spiritual gift just so you can have it. Whatever He has given to you, whether skills, abilities, talents, or personality traits, He’s placed it all within your disposal in order to usher in greater good for others and expanded glory for Him. The Bible declares that your greatest Christian stewardship is not seen in what you get from God but in what God, through you, can give to others as you serve Him in alignment with your gifts.
This can sometimes be tough for people to do because we live in a “me” generation. We live in a culture of selfies and narcissistic promotional ways. Yet God has asked each of us to use that which we’ve been given not to ballon our own platform or build our own brand, but to advance His kingdom agenda on earth. One of the primary components of that agenda is helping those who are less fortunate than yourself according to the gifts and skills He has given you. This love ought to show up in our feet through what we do to strengthen others through the gifts, abilities, and talents God has given to us.
Spiritual Gifts and Their Exercise (4:10–11)10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 11 If anyone speaks, they should do so as one who speaks the very words of God. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Peter commands next that members should use their spiritual gifts. This stands alongside the duties to pray and to show love as the third mark of the strong church. The following points are significant:
1. A church’s ministry depends on God’s distribution of spiritual gifts. “10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
The idea is that God equips the members of the church for mutual service rather than that they have natural abilities for these tasks. The word “gift,” often translated as “spiritual gift,” is derived from the word for “grace,” and not from the word for “spirit.” Thus the thought is primarily of receiving a gracious gift from God, which is to be shared and passed on to others. The person with the gift is regarded as a steward of the grace of God in its many, varied forms. Although the word “grace” primarily refers to the loving quality of God toward sinful, needy people, it can also refer to what he graciously gives to them or to the way in which grace manifests itself.
ONE day, John’s house burned down to the ground. Some people found him and said, “John, we are so sorry to tell you this, but your house just burned to the ground.”
John said, “That’s impossible.”
“No, John! Your house burned to the ground.”
“That’s impossible!”
“John, we saw it with our own eyes. Your house is gone!”
“That’s impossible. You see, I don’t own a house. God gave me a place to live in. I only managed that house for Him. If He didn’t put the fire out, then that’s His problem. He’ll have to put me somewhere else.”
That man understood. He understood that he could have something and use something without possessing it. He didn’t hold on to it so tightly that when it went down he went down too.
Some of us would lose our minds if we lost our houses or cars. We are to possess nothing.
1. A church’s ministry depends on God’s distribution of spiritual gifts.
2. It follows that God’s gracious gifts are to be exercised in serving. “10 Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
When Christians receive God’s grace, it is their responsibility to share with fellow Christians. What has been given to an individual has been given for others, and that person is merely the agent of God in passing it on. Consequently, the main thrust of verse 10 is that gifts are to be used to serve others. The point is trite, but it perpetually needs repetition, that when a person does anything in the church, the purpose is to serve other people, to do something for their good.
It is worth observing that the concept of serving others is virtually new in Christianity or at least strongly characteristic of it. When Paul talks about esteeming others more highly than ourselves, part of his thought is that we are to serve others. The word “serve” is derived from serving at table and reflects the sentiment that the person who is served is greater than the person who serves (Lk 22:27). Yet Jesus was prepared to take this lesser position. This is the attitude that his followers must show—especially in the church. Even as you seek to discover your gifts, if you see a need in the church, seek to meet it. You may find gifts in areas you might not have guessed!
In conclusion,
1. A church’s ministry depends on God’s distribution of spiritual gifts. 2. It follows that God’s gracious gifts are to be exercised in serving. In all things, God is to be glorified through Jesus Christ by the right management of your talents. After all, it is God who has allowed you to receive an education, develop skills, acquire talents, and benefit from them yourself as well. Functioning from a mindset of gratitude for His abundant grace will keep you in alignment with His calling of service with regard to your talents.
Benediction (Acts 2)
May the power of the Holy Spirit
transform you with the healing fire
that unifies the world.
Let the wind of that first Pentecost
teach you of God’s grace, love, hope,
and mystery.
With tongues of flame,
may you be marked for Christ.
Go out in faith and abiding love.Now may“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.”—Numbers 6:24–26 Amen.